

Today's events at the office have made me further realize something about myself.

I'm incredibly stressed out. I've become more worried about people not deserving the recognition they receive than I probably should be. I'm more worried about my own future and performance, and that worry may be taking a toll on my attitude and positivity around the office, and at home. 

I worry about my upcoming wedding.
I worry about picking a dress for that wedding.
I worry about losing weight that I've needed to for years.
I worry about my back problems, and the cost of treatment to fix them.

I worry about having friends at all, much less very many of them.

I feel like I need a break, but I'm doing my best to not take any vacation days or time off unless absolutely necessary in order to have enough time saved up to have my honeymoon time off available.

I feel like I need another hobby, or more active hobbies, but that there's not enough time in the day/week. Or I worry about not having enough money to support them.

But, I think in the end everything will turn out okay. I think I may make my day off next Wednesday a trip to a spa for a massage, or something comforting. Maybe just spend the day outside and take pictures.

I am really excited about work on Friday though! We're making shirts for our team(s) and I get to do super-bright green makeup on myself and hopefully other girls on the team, if they want to participate! Our supervisor is really into the Green Lantern, so it's kinda modeled after that. ;)

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